Sunday, March 11, 2012

ICU update

The issue that is keeping Celeste in the ICU is her breathing. She remains on the ventilator. She is breathing on her own but continues to require a significant amount of positive pressure (her PEEP is 12) . Her edema is worse. There is enough swelling in her legs and feet now that it is painful to walk on them. Physical therapists get her up to walk twice a day. At midnight her white blood count was 7.3 . They are giving her a bag of platelets right now.... her count was 47 and if it dips below 50 they transfuse.

Her other challenges are more elusive. She continues to spike fevers regularly. She has unexplainable pain and swelling in her abdomen. Yesterday in their attempt to trouble shoot this issue she was taken to nuclear medicine and had a special scan of her gall bladder called a HIDA. It did not confirm the problem they were theorizing could be contributing to her pain. The swelling of her liver and spleen still contribute to her distended belly. They are using her feeding tube for medication only. She is still being supported by IV nutrition.

All in all she is doing much much better and continues to charm all the nurses and supporting staff. Even though she cannot speak she always radiates peace

1 comment:

  1. Thinking of you and praying for you often. Part of a poem quoted by Elaine Dalton, General YW President describes Celeste well-
    "If you live close to God and His infinite grace
    You won't have to tell, it will show in your face."
    Love, Catherine
