Thursday, March 22, 2012

Bone Marrow Unit

Celeste has now been in the bone marrow unit for a week.  She is doing better every day, she's even down to only two IVs on her pole and no more oxygen!  She goes on walks daily around the unit with a physical therapist, and yesterday started doing some strengthening exercises as well.  Her voice is stronger, she can speak longer and with more volume, she sang along with Mulan today.  She's also getting ready to start her next big cross stitching project.

Her focus right now is to eat.  We've been coaxing her with favorite foods, and her doctors have started adjusting how much nutrition she gets through her feeding tube to help her have an appetite.  Once they determine she is able to maintain adequate nutrition without the feeding tube, she will probably be able to go home until the next chemo treatment. 

Here are some fun pictures from her walk today and physical therapy.  We are enjoying seeing her smile again!  She wants everyone to know that she is doing better every day, and will make it through this.

                                              "Racing" past the vending machine on her walk.
                                              Balancing exercises with a beatiful window view.
                                                      Fake punching the physical therapist :)


  1. Love you, Celeste dear! So glad to hear you are feeling a bit better! Stay strong. We love you!

  2. I'm so glad to hear you're doing better! Thanks for taking the time to give us updates. It's great to hear all of your progress and see some fun photos too ;-)

  3. Celeste....we are all pulling and praying for you to continue to improve. You are an inspiration. Love, Aunt Nancy, Uncle Val and family.
